
Wikileaks is very close to something I can get behind. The concept is solid. I can get behind releasing classified information, even classified information that people don't want released, as long as it is done very carefully. I do not feel that the people at Wikileaks have been nearly careful enough. They have caused numerous problems with their releases, and endangered countless lives. One of the best examples I know of is the release of personal information about whereabouts, contact information, and political dealings of millions of Turkish citizens literally during the week of a coup. Wikileaks put all of their lives and livelihoods at risk (Ellis). Even Edward Snowden, who I respect much more on this topic than Wikileaks, and who I believe has tried much harder to be careful with then where and how things get released, has made mistakes. Wikileaks just comes off as near lazy by comparison, and that has had terrible consequences. But, like I said, I agree with the spirit of Wikileaks. Everything is way too classified. Government transparency is depressingly low, and I wholeheartedly feel as though that needs to change drastically, but even drastic changes need to be handled carefully. I feel information as a whole is being choked in ways that I am adamantly against. Information is constantly being misrepresented. Even more reliable media is being constantly attacked and incorrectly called fake news. The FCC has rolled back on net neutrality, even against the wishes of a vast majority of the nation, which will add to the power to stifle information. Our President is claiming that all information that the public should gather should come straight from his mouth, which is an absolutely detestable idea. All over the place, information is being twisted, misused, misrepresented, and hidden, and it needs to stop.

Ellis, Emma Grey. “WikiLeaks Has Officially Lost the Moral High Ground.” Wired, Conde Nast, 27 July 2016,


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